comments are open...01/01/10
(stream-of-consciousness therapy's side-note: this post will be closed to comments until AFTER my next therapy session 12/21...I could analyze the heck out of this list but that's not part of my homework yet so no analytics...just emptying of the brain...I'm not sure if I'm done brain vomiting yet, but it's what I have for now)
Good Girls are...
blonde haired blue eyed pink lipped and cute
they always brush their hair and teeth and have on clean clothes that match
Good girls clean their rooms and make their beds and always say please and thank you and offer to help.
They are the best mommies to their baby dolls
They speak in quiet voices and have the cutest laugh
Good girls do their homework and write neatly
Good girls always help the teacher and offer to help their classmates
Good girls uniforms are neatly pressed and their shoes are neat and always look new
Good girls listen to wholesome music and watch family tv
Good girls go to bed on time and always say their prayers
Good girls care about your feelings and help you solve your problems
Good girls have lots of friends and everyone likes them but they don't have big heads
Good girls sing and dance and speak very well.
Good girls have perfect grammar.
Good girls get the best grades in school and are known and loved by all the teachers and administrators; they always go above and beyond what is requested of them.
Good girls join all the clubs and offer to stay late and come in early. They wear modest clothes that are in style from the latest stores. Good girls volunteer and are nice to kids that no one else is nice to.
Good girls focus on their grades and get into good schools
Good girls date good boys and only date in groups or with a chaperone
Good girls save themselves for marriage
Good girls are humble wives
Good girls are good moms who never yell or spank their children. Their children are well behaved and well groomed and their families are very handsome families.
You can always spot the good girl's home because it has beautiful curb appeal and a welcoming porch; the flowers in the garden are always in season but she never lets you see the dirt under her nails. The good girl hosts the most beautiful parties; her house smells delicious and the lighting and decor are warm and inviting. She never looks as though she's lifted a finger and yet each guest is attended to and the kids are all occupied. A good girl's house is clean even when you drop by unexpected and she always looks put together even in her 'bummin around clothes.' Good girls talk to their moms (and inlaws) and sisters nearly daily, send thank you notes and holiday cards on time and never forget anyone's birthday. Good girls know their neighbors and help them when they are out of town or under the weather. They know all the neighborhood kids and all their student's classmates and is the favorite 'room mom.' Her kids all give her hugs and kisses before bed and say thank you at meal time for a good meal.
A good girl always desires and is desired by her husband. She never yells and when she does disagree she shares her thoughts in the right voice at the right time. She understands that her husband works hard and needs his play time too. She keeps the house neat and the meals tasty.
A good girl never complains
A good girl always prays
A good girl always smiles but is good at catching the tears of others
A good girl takes care of her health and her body, her skin and make-up are flawless, her hair is flowing and her body is in shape and modest.
A good girl always tries to find the solution and is constantly figuring out what do do next
A good girl never falls apart...she ALWAYS holds it together
A good girl can never be this good and she knows it...she secretly longs for the "bad boy" or the night out or to be able to yell and scream at the top of her lungs. She wants someone to come and "take it all away" She wants to go out late with the girls (but she doesn't have any) and not worry about the house...ever. She doesn't want to think about bills she just wants a knight in shining armor to come and take it all away and dote on her like her imaginary princes did when she was young.
The Bad girl is already snickering
The Bad girl talks back, she swears and doesn't make eye contact unless she's saying something hurtful.
The bad girl has stains on her shirt and yesterday's socks and doesn't care
The bad girl would rather jump out of trees with the boys than play house with the girls
The bad gril NEVER cleans her room and she constantly has to be reminded to do her chores
The bad girl sneaks out of her house, lies, steals and cheats and thinks its no big deal...she never sits like a lady and hates wearing 'girly' clothes.
The bad girl breaks the house rules and talks on the phone way past her allowed time. She sneaks out and she covers her tracks so she doesn't get caught
The Bad girl brings a change of clothes in her bag so she doesn't get caught wearing what she's not supposed to. She smokes cigarettes, does drugs and drinks.
She rolls her eyes and talks back to her parents and has an attitude every time they ask her to do something.
She can be sweet to teachers and bosses but at home she is a nightmare.
The Bad girl has sex too young and with too many people and doesnt even really like it
She leaves home as soon as she can.
She's in and out of college if she ever goes at all just like she's in and out of relationships.
She dresses any way she chooses, sometimes slummy sometimes slutty but knows how to turn on the charm when it suits her.
The Bad girl has multiple sex partners and multiple relationships...and the 2 are not mutually exclusive.
The bad girl stands up for herself, she speaks up, sometimes loudly, when she disagrees with someone.
The bad girl is not afraid of confrontation, in fact she thrives on it
The bad girl is loud and boisterous, and likes her liquor and smells of cigarettes. She isn't afraid to be sexually forward in public.
The Bad girl knows how to be a good mom but sometimes chooses not to be. She doesn't alwasy shop for groceries and "on your own" dinners because "there's food in the house" are some of her favorite phrases and laundry can take over the bed room floor...clean OR dirty
The bad girl doesn't like to plan or be forced into a schedule
She does what she wants when she wants to, talks the way she wants to talk, dresses however she damn well pleases and doesn't have to listen to anyone.
She likes the idea of marriage but doesnt NEED to be married
She has a crowd of people she hangs with, but no real close friends
The bad girl has no connection with her family except when it's necessary
She yells at her kids and calls them names and is critical of everything they do
She's two faced to neighbors and teachers and a bitch behind closed doors
The bad girl goes against the grain and does things most people find socially unacceptable and has her whole life so these socially unacceptable things get more and more apparent with age.
Bad girls don't solve problems, they just drop them