I confess
to Almighty God
and to you my Brothers and Sisters
that I have sinned
something follows that about in my thoughts and words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do, and I ask Blessed Mary ever virgin...
then I forget the rest again
But nonetheless I confess
I am a thief
I am a liar
I am a deceiver
I am a saboteur
I am a hypocrite
I am an eater
I eat
and eat
and eat, and eat
and eat, and eat, and eat
Even when I don't want to eat
Even when I don't like what I'm eating
(and here's the kicker)
Even when what I'm eating makes me physically ill
I have been an eater as long as I can remember
I snuck oreos under the covers of my room that had hideous pink and white wallpaper from my sibling's remaining decor
I bought snacks at the Eastgate Shopping Center drug store and ate them before I got home
I ate a box of GS cookies on more than one occasion just in this past month
Yes, this is a confession and there is no such thing as a delete button when confessing (unless it's a type-o because I can't stand those)
I read quite a few weight loss blogs today
many of them are angry
many of them are on again off again
many of them are filled with information I already know
Heck...it's information EVERYBODY knows
So why bother with another fat girl blog
I don't know
Maybe it's to give me something to do rather than eat.
There's something more to my mind body connection than hate and food
Here, I will find it
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