
New Found Fat

How is it that now all of my weight is back...my former fat clothes fit differently and my others do too

I still have the jeans that walked me into WW the first time
I'm as heavy as on that first Saturday morning but they are not as tight
but my blouses...well they don't fit the same around the arms anymore
I've always been able to "dress smaller" by accentuating my upper body and waist and disguising my thighs and hips. But now...I have to resort to large shirts because of the sleeves
and the rest of my upper body isn't large
so I look ridiculous
but wearing a small or medium blouse with tight sleeves looks even MORE ridiculous (every time i type that word I think of Balki) especially in my field
I suppose I should be grateful that my lower body isn't AS big as it was
but ... I'm not, at least not today

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