
If I can't say it here...

What was the difference?
What was the catalyst for my success before
35 pounds ago
One of these things is not like the other
ah yes...
she lived in another state
I often chuckled that God moved her away at just the right time
6 months before Louis proposed
and she moved back about a year after the wedding
so I only had "mom taking over the wedding" issues for a day or two

Counseling session was good
I realized I'm "scared" to find out what lies under the next layer
back when I was "repatterned" I had to "tell" my mom I felt helpless
Tonight in session we tried to uncover what "helpless" meant
I just remember feeling like it was a scared helpless
like I couldn't do something
like someone was keeping me from doing something
or something like that
not a weak helpless, a scared helpless

I haven't done my counseling homework from last time yet
(I don't get demerits for not finishing...it'll happen when it's supposed to happen)
I'm supposed to create some physical representation of myself when I was 7 and myself when I was 11 or a bit older
somewhere in there I know that I'm scared
I'm scared to find out what's next
but I'm ready too
and I feel "safe" looking
I know it's gonna hurt
whatever it is
but pain is just fear's way of leaving the body

I stopped taking Prozac last week
I didn't like taking it in the first place
only started because I was SO tired of hearing all the things that WEREN'T wrong with me and I was on the edge of a breakdown waiting to have SOME explanation for my symptoms
it was time to re-up the prescription...I decided against it

My pain is back
I feel like a walking bruise
but it's not as debilatating
and I have a new mindset
AND my mind resonates strongly with the fact that the doctor wasn't doing anything to HEAL me, she was just giving me things that masked my symptoms...not what I want
I want healing...not hiding

I'm scared of what I might find
I'm scared of what it means
I'm scared of what I think of my mom
but fear is just pain's way of leaving the body (**see comments below)
so I'm getting ready to feel REALLY good when all this is over

I have issues

I definitely have mom issues
  • this morning i was watching "how do I look" some dumb makeover show on style, and there was a mother/daughter moment that made me cry
  • I remember how I suddenly had a "last minute conflict" that kept me from a GiNO with some really close friends of mine (all sisters and their mom).
  • every time I think about this "broken heart" chakra issues of mine, I can't help but get images of mom in my head
I don't know why yet
I think I'm afraid to find out why
I think somewhere in my head I've learned that you're not supposed to harbor negative feelings because its your MOM
I have an appointment tonight with my counselor
I know things are gonna bubble up tonight because my skin, muscle and bone around my heart chakra LITERALLY hurt.
The other night when the hub said something out of frustration that sounded a lot like what my MEMORY says is my mom, I climbed right back into that tiny place and tried to disappear

rambling here...
I wonder if my food issues have to deal with making myself so big that I can't disappear because I want to be seen I have a hard time with recognition but part of me craves it so badly
I believe it when people shoot me down...well part of me does because the part of me that knows better has steadily been standing up for myself lately. I've learned how to do that without being attached to the emotion so it might not happen IN THE MOMENT (which i believe is a good thing) but it does happen...(which I believe is peeling the layers back)

I think somewhere inside I worry about this "mom issue"
because I'm afraid it's disrespectful
does it mean I hate her...I know that's not true because I don't hate her...there are things that I don't like, and I've learned how to deal with those things...in some ways passively ... in some ways aggressively...so yes there are still layers to peel
But I think I've peeled back so much that I'm at the "this is gonna hurt" part because there isn't as much "padding" around the issue
(if only i could say that for my ass!)

It's hard that this unpeeling happens when other people in my house are sensitive too
there's so much going on in our family
but is there ever a good time to go through change?
I keep looking at the positives
little successes...like lil b feels stronger about going to middle school now coz she's not afraid of a combination lock anymore...seems like such a little thing but the smile and glow that came from her face the first time she successfully opened the one we bought for her the other day was a POSITIVE feeling in my heart
My ability to tell my hub something that I need from him emotionally and not feel like I was being weak or "fishing" for something (not because that's how he makes me feel, but because it's how I MAKE MYSELF feel)
I still struggle with the desire to get my butt up off my chair and do something, that still makes me feel weak (mentally) and I think convinces me that I'm weak physically...( so I wonder how much of my weakness and pain stems from that)

So I made myself a list
all the things that I need to get done
lil b helped me too...coz it's just stuff I need done...doesn't matter who does it
and physically crossing things off gives me a sense of accomplishment, even if it is as trivial as opening a combination lock
I'm answering the 7 year old inside of me
I need to remember that what is a "big deal" to her may seem trivial to me
she is only 7 and is real and is talking to me and I need to listen, to what she is saying ...and what she is NOT saying

the weird feeling i have in my chest right now is quite interesting
it doesn't hurt
it doesn't ache
but it kinda does
like it's opening...no, more like it's vulnerable - if vulnerable FELT like something
I'm gonna go back to my list now
and just be open

I'm anxious, but in both a good and scary way, about tonight's session 


it's not nice to brag


consumed by me
in about 30 minutes
in the car on the way home from tampa
it was money
it was calories
it was gluten
it was murder
of what...something good for me?
something to be proud of? something that I'm good at?
the hand to mouth motion was mechanical
almost like i was trying to stop words before they could come out and shove them so far deep inside they didn't dare try to come out again

you shouldn't be proud of yourself
it's important to be humble
no one likes a show off
I don't know exactly where these words came from because I'm not sure I ever really heard them...that makes sense though so much communication happened in another language so perhaps these are just my interpretations which is why the words don't make sense
but when i was conversing with my 11 year old self...this is what she kept saying while we kept eating
it's sort of like watching your young child play with dolls...it lets you know what kind of parent you are when you see them playing parent
she was only telling me what she knows

there are obviously some deep emotional ties to my food and my mom because whenever my counselor (I'll stop referring to her as the young one) touches on that spot...I physically feel it
there are so many things I can't tell her (my mom that is)
which is funny because there are so many thigs I do tell her...even that she doesn't want to hear
I'm not afraid to disagree with her anymore
I tell her how it is
she deals with my tats and etc
but when it comes to how she mothered...i clam up

lil b and I had an exchange in front of my mom yesterday
it was about talking with words vs talking with faces
lil b called me out and said "you talk with your face too" which I readily admitted and playfully said "it's her fault" in my mom's direction
she got defensive
explanied that she uses both her words and her face and the subject was over
my little physical spot shirked away
there was untruth to that statement 
it definitely wasn't the right time to broach it 
but I honestly don't know that I ever really can

Mom wasn't (isnt) a bad mom
all moms do the best they can with what they had and my parents were just being the parents they knew how to be based on the culture, their exposure and what was parenting vogue at the time

we're much different parents
well we're a different culture and a different time so of course we're different
we can't blame them for not being cutting edge and saving us from the crap we deal with now
heck if we didn't have the crap would we be cutting edge
would we be different parents?
no because look how many of our peers are just like their parents were and have no desire to change
so there's purpose 
and I'm glad because I enjoy the parenting process and growing and learning with my kids...

but there's still this physical stuff inside of me that is tied hard to emotional stuff and it's all tied to the parenting thing and more specifically to my mom and I don't see what good it will do to drag my mom into therapy and tell her all the ways she screwed me up 

but it was so real
first some fries
then the cheesy tots but they were too hot so I had some sips of shake while they cooled
then the cheeseburger
got a cool star trek toy but not the one I wanted
then the fish sandwich
then the rest of the fries
yeah, i finished the cheesy tots before 
didn't finish the fries
but nursed the rest of the shake
even the disgustingly sweet oreo crunches that stuck to the bottom of the cup
even made myself slow down so I could taste everything
but I don't remember how it tasted
except for the hot and the sweet
there was something about the food actually being in my mouth
and the crunching
and the warmth

and the shame
crunching everything I could into the smaller of the 2 bags
then stopping in a parking lot searching for a garbage can
to rid myself of the evidence

i'm so sad inside today

good things are happening in my life and i'm sad
i had a great interview yesterday and am so excited at new prospects
but i ate myself into a stupor (it wasnt celebratory) and i'm sad
i feel defeated
i feel FAT omg you just don't know
last night i wore baggy pants and my husband's t shirt

I love my 11 year old
my real one and my old one
and together they're gonna help me through this


nice Thursday

today was a good day
it was fun hanging out with the hub
no work to go to
chilled with each other
chilled at the mall

Something else I noticed this week...

if you don't fancy poo talk...skip this post
I won't be graphic ... and poo in one form or another seems to be ruling my blogs but
one of my weirdest symptoms has been the consistency of my poo
for years it's just not been right
not even been something I could LABEL so it really wasn't right
i likened it to close encounters of the 3rd kind mashed potatoes squeezed through an icing piping bag
it's normal this week
i mean really normal
like what normal is supposed to look like
yes, i know normal is a label but humor me here
so i'm trying to figure out the change
yes, i've been quite good at being gluten free (at least since Sunday since i'm not sure what was in the food on Saturday and Sunday i felt like doo doo)
but I've also been having a glass of milk each day
whole milk at that (gack...the calories and fat!)
because hub bought me my own jar of pb and j (because the dang kids keep cross contaminating the other jars) and I still had some tapioca loaf (bread for we non gluten eating weirdos) so I've had a pb&j sammie with a glass of milk each day this week for one of my meals (yes...it's a very sparse grocery week but it's just 3 of us and we're all okay with that)
the tapioca loaf isn't new
the pb and j really isn't a new addition...just have my own
so the major change is the milk
hrmmm....I wonder


I'm irritable today
lots of reasons to be
including my boobs being sore
so there's the tip off as to why everything else is making me irritable

i definitely crave and fulfil the cravings when my boobs are sore
i'm not feeling anything emotionally tied to my past right now
just a bit p.o'ed at life's current situations
miffy is a good word
i think I'll wear my miffy shirt today
and probably eat something I'm not supposed to
which I care and just do not care about


totally ate
boobs are sore
it's not supposed to be time yet...at least I don't think so
like fitday.com
it lets me see a trend
trends i can try to make sense of
totally ate
probably emotional
I really don't have good Mother's Day memories so
it's okay that tomorrow is just a Monday



ughhhhh my tummy is not happy
family reunion type thing at the hub's sister's house
i stayed away from the gluten
but i grazed most of the day
and I decided I don't like KirinIchiban

I'd say I definitely ate more than I should have
but not as much as I would have before
I think it's just all the different types of foods in one day
simple is definitely better
and I think I enjoy raw more these days...veggies, fruit and cold meats...shrimp, salmon, tuna, chicken breast

could just be coz it's hot outside but i dunno
my poor tummy



I didn't binge last night
but i did eat something i wasn't supposed to have
not supposed to have because it has gluten in it...and it wasn't the "cleanest" thing and I've been eating clean. 
I ate 1/2 cup of Publix Mac and Cheese
I'm not feeling guilty
just recognizing that I ate it even though I told myself I wouldn't
It was pretty good...okay I guess not phenomenal

so that's all
just wanted to write it down
I guess when I think about it I was feeling a bit agro last night