
Something else I noticed this week...

if you don't fancy poo talk...skip this post
I won't be graphic ... and poo in one form or another seems to be ruling my blogs but
one of my weirdest symptoms has been the consistency of my poo
for years it's just not been right
not even been something I could LABEL so it really wasn't right
i likened it to close encounters of the 3rd kind mashed potatoes squeezed through an icing piping bag
it's normal this week
i mean really normal
like what normal is supposed to look like
yes, i know normal is a label but humor me here
so i'm trying to figure out the change
yes, i've been quite good at being gluten free (at least since Sunday since i'm not sure what was in the food on Saturday and Sunday i felt like doo doo)
but I've also been having a glass of milk each day
whole milk at that (gack...the calories and fat!)
because hub bought me my own jar of pb and j (because the dang kids keep cross contaminating the other jars) and I still had some tapioca loaf (bread for we non gluten eating weirdos) so I've had a pb&j sammie with a glass of milk each day this week for one of my meals (yes...it's a very sparse grocery week but it's just 3 of us and we're all okay with that)
the tapioca loaf isn't new
the pb and j really isn't a new addition...just have my own
so the major change is the milk
hrmmm....I wonder

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You don't need to apologize for the poo talk, of either variety. Poo is a very important indicator of our health. If it isn't "right" than something must be wrong.