

I've started reading my book and I'm mulling over Step One - I am powerless over food and my life has become unmanageable.

Really? Unmanageable?
Nothing I can do, say, or will can change my situation?
It sounds so 'absolute' when I say it that way...I guess that's the point but it's still a hard pill to swallow.
There is definitely still a piece of me that says "I can beat this thing" and be done with it
then I can be normal again like everyone else...
a few bites of birthday cake, a special dinner out, a candy bar every once in a while...


Can I be normal?
I never have been, not that I can remember anyway.
But this sounds SO rigid
It's something that I've been 'uncomfortable' with about the whole Anonymous program approach
...you're sick, you'll always be sick, all you can do is manage your sickness...
part of me believes there is truth to this...none of my weight loss attempts have ever worked in the past
part of me thinks I can do it without the rigidity...like James Frey (yeah I know he was a fraud but it was a damn good read!).
Everyone at these meetings is so dang old; I found myself wondering where the '30 somethings' meet.
Maybe the method is outdated
Maybe it doesn't work for Gen X'ers like me
Then I found this article
I wasn't really looking for an article, I was looking for a picture for this post and found the article...
It resonated with me on some level.

I'm still not going to be the expert, or refute what the experts suggest...my suggestions haven't worked in 30 years... but I am going to bring it up to my counselor on Friday.

photo credit

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