20 year High School Reunion
and oh boy have voices started....
I've decided to go all retro
(I mean, gotta do something with the tats so why not be a pin-up)
I borrowed a dress from a friend
and visited a buddy at his home salon with pictures of Ms. Von Teese in hand.
They (those damn voices) got louder with every spritz of hair spray
They started this morning in the shower while I was shaving
I didn't have any good answers
On the way home I was worried my hair looked stupid and thought I might wash it out...
Bm then asked me (she went with me to get my hair done)
"Mom, how long has it been since you've seen any of these people?
"20 years" I said
"How long before you'll see any of em again?"
"Probably 20 years..."
"Right, so who cares what they think!"
(DANG she DOES listen when I teach her self-esteem lessons)
I still felt weird when I got home
My hub said "you look Cute" (and it was a good cute not a bad cute)
Still felt a little weird
My belongingness grudg-y demon is moshing in my stomach
So then...I went and tried on the outfit I had planned (because I already thought of a dozen reasons NOT to wear it and was freaking out about replacement ideas
I put on the dress
slipped on my pumps
found my pearl choker necklace and matching drop earings
and voila
The hair didn't look so funny
and the sparkle was back in my eye
Shut up voices
Babs is going out tonight
yes...I still feel a little weird
but dammit if I won't look hot :)