
How do those fit together?

Last night in group the good one asked what turned out to be a very poignant question, "You (meaning me) said you don't have to be everything to everyone, AND that you are accepting that you're enough just as you are. How do those fit together? Or do they?"

And the DIDN'T
Joan believes that I must be everything to everyone.
Babs used to believe that too.
Somewhere inside, sometimes, when I'm low on the Babsness scale...those thoughts creep in...
But more often than not these days, I spend more time trying to be ME than trying to be EVERYTHING. It's quite liberating :)

But she asked that question
How do those fit together?
And I felt it...literally clawing inside of me
crawling up and into my chest and hanging onto my clavicle bones for dear life
It was creepy
Like something out of the movie The Grudge (no I didn't see it but the trailer scarred me enough for a lifetime).

I have an individual session today
I imagine there will be some clawing.
I wore very comfy clothes and very little eye make up


mariposai said...

I hope your individual session went well - sounds like this question threw up some deep issues for you...


Lou Lou said...

hey babs im sending u some strength for ur session as well. i always wear loads of mascara thinking ill be fine and wont be emotional, an hour later a panda eyed loulou exits. always a little further in my understanding, exposing more and more of the ED and realising it is not who i really am, it is outside. your amazing. i havent been reading much or even bloggin too much, so i havent commented in a while. xxx light and love