
flipping the switch, turning over a new leaf, kick starting my engine

Bm and I started skinny switch-ing this week. It's a program based on calorie shifting and so far we feel pretty good. It's a mega amount of food so hunger hasn't been an issue. There are "cheat days" built in, so cravings haven't been an issue. The meal plans are based on our favorite foods so eating yucky stuff hasn't been an issue. I have yet to face a "feel the need to binge" moment so I'm not sure what will happen there...but so far so good. The mantra of the skinny switch guru is "the scale lies, trust your size" so we'll see what's up in about a week. Woops, I just remembered I wasn't supposed to tell anyone we were sinny switching for 2 weeks...but then again, none of you cyber friends can SEE me so it won't be like you'll be able to make an unsolicited comment about how great we look.
I'm proud of Bm...this meal planning and preparing has showed her some of the deficits in her regular eating habits, and some of the places where excess sneaks in ...so it will be a good re-tooling of her habits. Mine too for that matter.
So when I mentioned the whole  I don't know what will happen during a binge moment thing earlier...a thought came to mind...I usually suffer "hand to mouth" disease because there's something (a word or a feeling) I need to let out but don't want to so I bury it under food... Well, as of late, I've felt very comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings...even the uncomfortable ones...even with those closest to me whose responses and reactions make me feel the most vulnerable (damn I had a hard time figuring out how to correctly finish that statement...)
So maybe the emotional binging will subside for a while
I know I still suffer the hormonal binging...like clockwork at least one day during my ovulation days and once or twice during my menstrual cycle I eat like there is NO tomorrow.
It would be nice to figure out those ebbs and flows
And while I'm not being a nay-sayer, just stating the facts...I usually have ONE good week a month where it is easy to be mindful of what I put in my mouth....this COULD be that week which is why Switching has been easy
But then again...maybe not
really...a whole-friggin-lot of good food so there's no way I could be hungry
Heck, I can't even eat it all!
Tonight's dinner is even leftover night because even the "family" portion-sized recipes are too much for our family.
This week has had it's shares of ups and downs
my favorite part...spending time in the kitchen with my hub
whether he's cutting veggies for our stir-fry while I'm packing lunch
or he is recounting his day while I empty the dishes...it's been fun couple time
and I love it :)
Of course, it was UBER nice to come home from work the other day to find ALL the laundry folded, the dishes done and dinner marinating in the fridge :)
We're getting back to basics
Life is better when it's simple
We just need to figure out how simple we need to be
Tis a Gift to be simple :)


Anonymous said...

heh heh....you said "sinny switching"

"I wasn't supposed to tell anyone we were sinny switching for 2 weeks..."

that's just funny. wanna swap some sins?

Babsness said...

heh heh...dang must've been a freudian slip
dang... that could make for some interesting sinny switching