

I haven't written in a while
Can't really explain why
Some of the reasons I write are

  • to avoid a binge
  • to work through a feeling
  • to document a breakthrough
  • to have a place to dump what's in my brain
Guess I haven't really needed any of those things lately
Which...can be seen as a good thing :-)

I turned 38 this past weekend
No, I don't feel any older

We're getting closer to the finishing touches on the living room...I'm am uber excited about this fact
My 'design' self has had a chance to flex her idea muscles and it feels glorious

I've come to a place of acceptance with my size

It's not a bad thing
or an "I'm settling thing"
It's just where I am
It doesn't bother me to buy bottoms that are XL or to start with L tops rather than Mediums
(mind you...I'm talking summer clothes here, not an entire wardrobe of shopping)
I even bought a bathing suit without thinking or blinking twice.
Acceptance is good

“Acceptance of what has happened is the first step to overcoming the consequences of any misfortune.” William James

I start a new kind of therapy next week ...and I'm back to group this week too (due to a hiatus at school).
I am quite excited about the new form of therapy...it's mostly used with those who suffer from PTSD and should be able to help me unlock the disconnect between my brain and my good monster. Yes, I'm still nervous about it...but as my therapist said last week, "You've already lived through it, so you don't have to be afraid."

School is to Food still exists
This week it crept up on me because I FORGOT that I have a Monday night class 
so I didn't have time to fret about it
our campus has moved...so there is no fast food between work and school (bonus)
and hopefully this new therapy will help me unlock the 'is to' portion and move on

These days, I'm feeling good
Marriage is good
Family is good
House is good

Nothing is perfect...and that is good

Ahhh I've missed writing
I look forward to reading your thoughts

more soon...off to finish painting a wall


Anonymous said...

This post was awesome. I'm glad things are going so well for you.

It is so nice and refreshing to hear that someone is in acceptance of their size. I swear, I was beginning to think I was attempting the impossible! Thank you so much :)

Dana xo

Anonymous said...

nice to find (or create?) a breathing space, eh?

mariposai said...

Great to hear from you, and belated birthday wishes from me ;) There was something very grounding about reading this post and I'm so happy to hear that you have found some acceptance. Although I've missed your posts, I'm glad your absence was for good reasons :-)

Sarah x