

These words greeted me as I walked into the office today
Bright Green letters seemingly pulsating on a stark White Board
NEED TO LOSE.... Start Date 8/29/10
Followed by names and numbers

My first reaction was
NEED to lose?

So I've decided, I NEED to lose the perception that a number will make me happy, better, prettier, insert word of personal preference here ____________.

Then I marched right into my manager's office and said...
"I just gotta say it so it's out there and I can move on...I don't like that new white board and I find it insensitive to those of us around here ..." she knew where I was going and agreed.

So Instead...we're working on a personal goals wall personal, professional, educational whatever...
If your personal goal is to lose 20 lbs awesome...my personal goal is to get back into a  regular yoga practice
  • My first step on that journey is to ...do the yoga routine I DL'd to my iPod. I will do this on Thursday as I am off early and have the afternoon to Babs.
  • The second step will be to take a class at a local studio
  • The third step will be to evaluate whether or not I want a regular home practice or a monthly pass to a local studio
So let it be written...
So let it be done :)

SO MY QUESTION TO YOU TODAY (yes, I'm expecting answers)...


Anonymous said...

I need to lose my work-mind mentality since I no longer work there! My first thought was "need to lose" as in "need to lose 2 seconds off your ASA to meet goal." maybe that would be shave. who needs to shave?

Seriously, I need to lose my lack of trust that all my/my families needs and wants will be met.

Jennifer said...

Well, I want to say that I need to lose about 70 lbs, but that just doesn't seem right in this space.

And I can't think of anything else I need to lose...

Oh, and thanks for your thoughtful comment on my dinner timer post. I am still considering it, but want you to know I appreciate your input.

mariposai said...

I love your goals. I think it is a shame that more people don't realise that weight loss isn't necessarily the route to happiness...

Sarah x

Babsness said...

Well now...let me rephrase by saying...
I don't necessarily think having a weight loss goal is a BAD thing.
I think I was more offended by the "in your facedness" of the whole thing and how it is automatically exclusionary to those who may not want to or need to lose any weight.
And Jennifer, you ALWAYS have a place here :)

Jennifer said...

Thanks Babs.

I know losing weight won't be a magic potion in my life to make it all better, but I know if I can (re)acquire the discipline I need to do it, so many things can fall into place. Plus, I'm at such an unhealthy weight it just isn't good.

I had been doing WW online and it didn't work for me. I needed a meeting. So I rearranged my whole schedule to go to the Monday meetings. It took some work to make it happen too. And what did I learn then??? They are moving my location and canceling the Monday meetings! Literally, there is no other meeting within a decent distance that works now. I have no idea how I'm going to tackle these 70+ lbs now!

Allie said...


You need to not look at it as having to tackle the entire 70lbs at once.
As cliche as this is going to sound.... you need to just focus on one pound at a time.
I am struggling with some shit in my life and right now I really I am having trouble making it one day at a time, so I have narrowed it down to one hour at a time just so I am not so overwhelmed by the whole thing.

Anyway- the reason I started typing was to tell you Babetta that I NEED to lose my need for alcohol before I lose everything I have.
Thanks, B, for letting me get that off my chest.

Babsness said...

WOW Allie, thanks for sharing
And thanks for trusting me...and my site :)
Love you and you're in my prayers.
When you only have this moment, stop, breathe and smile...because you have THIS moment :)

Allie said...

Well Babetta, you said 'you were expecting answers'.

I do trust you and hopefully the people on this site. I've thrown myself out there, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks for this site and for letting me read and see inside you. It has been a huge help to me.
Thanks for the love and prayers :)