

I'm a classic c.a.s.e.-er
I Copy And Steal Everything
If I see it and I like it...I copy it!
Heck, if I like the way you're doing something and I think it could work for me...well then voila! The highest form of flattery!
As we know better, we do better...and if you know better, well then I'm learning from you so I can do better too!
All that to say...I stole this from a fellow conquerer I read and she stole it from this site...

There are definitely days when my effort feels like 'not enough.'
As a wife, as a mom, as an employee, as a student, as a human! And we won't even go into how JOAN can make me feel substandard with a glance...
So, time to think on other things because...
Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. Philippians 4:8 ~The Message
1. The things you’re grateful to have

Think of the things you’re grateful for. Food, shelter, family, friends, a car, all the big and small things many aren’t fortunate to have.
  • I'm grateful for my job, for my friends, for my Holly Hobbie Lunch box,
  • I'm grateful for my hub and kids, for music, my blog, my counselor, for colored pencils and dancing in the kitchen while I put away the dishes.
  • I'm grateful for Spirit who loves me and for my resurfacing Babsness! 
2. The things you’re grateful NOT to have

Each of us can come up with something we’re grateful not to have. Perhaps you’re grateful not to have a disease, enormous debts, or perhaps you’re happy you don’t have a lot of money.
  • I'm grateful that I don't have MS, that was a real scare last year.
3. What you want to do today

Quick thoughts about the daily goals you want to accomplish and the plans you’ll need to take to get them done.
  • I want to get my grocery shopping done and read some more of my book.
  • I'll grocery shop this afternoon after work since dinner is leftover lasagna from the weekend and I'll read some tonight while Bm is in tumbling class
4. What the future holds

Think about what tomorrow, the next month, or even the next five years will bring you.
  • I look forward to the changes we're making to the house.
  • I'm working on a potted garden and can't wait for more fresh herbs to use in the kitchen.
  • I'm looking forward to my 5K on March 6th. I'm proud of the fact that I've DECIDED I don't have to be perfect...participating is a HUGE step.
  • I'm excited about graduating with my BA.
  • I'm excited about writing and teaching and sharing the true knowledge of authenticity with as many people as I can.
  • I'm excited to know I'll be able to see Joan Crawford as just another actress!
5. Think about one of your fears

We all have fears, some are big and some are small. Focus your thoughts on one.
  •  I'm afraid that we'll get too far behind in our finances.
6. Think of a way to face that fear
Think of one way in which you can face your fear. Even if it’s something small it’ll bring you one step closer to fear’s face.

  •  I actually have faced this fear, head on. I pray about it, out loud, with my hub each night before we fall asleep and I've stopped avoiding the situation. I've taken the steps necessary (especially with our house) and I just 'tell it like it is.' Being honest about where I am, what I'm doing and how I'm doing with whomever will listen helps this fear not seem so big and scary
  • Gee...sounds a lot like how I'm dealing with JOAN.
7. One new thing you’d like to do

Think of something new you’d like to try. Do this every day you possibly can, you’ll never have too many goals and dreams.
  • I'd like to start a podcast.
8. The things you didn’t accomplish yesterday

Think about the things you wanted to get done yesterday, but didn’t. Then plan on getting them done today.
  • I would've liked the laundry folded...but Mondays are my long day, so I don't feel any sense of failure for not having done that.
9. Your greatest qualities

Every day think about the things that make you a great person. It’ll give you confidence and ambition to tackle anything.
  • I am smart, I am silly, I am a great listener and an encouraging voice.
  • I am fantastic at research and love learning.
  • I am a great writer and orater.
  • I can find the positive in any situation.
  • I am a prayer warrior and a great singer.
  • I have strong core values and a personal code of conduct that I apply to my work, family and social life.
  • I am a talented, skilled interpreter and a budding counselor.
  • I am kind, honest-to-a-fault, and validating.
  • ...and I like long walks on the beach and dinners by candlelight (LMAO)
10. What you don’t like about yourself

We each have something we don’t like about ourselves. Perhaps you are too fearful, too quiet, or too arrogant.
  • I cannot apply any of the above qualities to MYSELF! (ugh!)
11. How you can change what you don’t like about yourself

Think of some ways you can change. Sometimes it doesn’t take as long as you might think.
  • Stop listening to JOAN
  • She's the one who tells me I cannot succeed and will always fall back on old habits
12. How you can make someone else’s day a little brighter

Maybe send a friend a card to show you’re thinking of them.  Or even just complementing someone can make their day a little brighter.
  • I go out of my way to thank people by name.
  • When someone does something well, I tell them, right away.
  • I admit and apologize when I am wrong.
  • I call or text just to say I love you.
  • I make time to listen and I'm not afraid to offer a word of mentoring when it is in order. 
  • I smile, I'm silly and I laugh out loud.
13. Your life goals

You won’t be able to think of all of your goals in life because you’ll always be adding more to your list. However, think about your current biggest dreams and goals. You can’t forget what you’re aiming for.

  • I will live free of JOAN

  • I'll once again have a successful and integrated yoga practice

  • I will love my body as much as I love my mind and soul

  • I will be a successful teacher/writer/speaker

  • I will travel the continent with my hub in a Minnie Winnie

  • We'll live in a Yurt in Colorado

  • I'll travel to france with my Soul Sistah and BFF
14. How yesterday’s problems are today’s motivation

Don’t let the problems of your past prevent you from moving forward. Think of how you can use the problems to motivate yourself to change and resolve.
  • Those problems are in the past so obviously I have gotten through them...this means I CAN be successful and see things through to completion! There's nothing I can't tackle!
15. You only have one life

Think about this: you only have one shot at life. So make the most out of every second you have. Reminding yourself of this will help you seize each day.

1 comment:

dear body said...

Yep, doing this was very helpful for me. I'm going to do more of these questionnaires often and see where that gets me.