

Perusing through my blog list the other morning, Sarah's entry caused some interesting thoughts to swirl...

Yesterday my 'run down' post was 100% totally for me.Those simple statements needed to come to life as more than just distant voices and ideas hiding in the recesses of my brain.

It seems to me that thoughts can get stuck
just a 'thought' can get stuck forever a thought
if I had actually spoken to JOAN years ago...I wonder if she would've gone away
I never did...until recently
she was stuck...forever in my thoughts
i've let her out...i've given her 'life' now she can go

It is truly why I blog
I blog for myself
Virtural lurkers may participate at will but I don't write for them
Yes there have been a nanosecond or two where I've thought 'ooh, my hub will read this'  but that (as you can see) wasn't me, it was JOAN...she likes it when I keep things quiet, when she can just stay tucked away with the thoughts where she is comfortable and in control.
Sometimes I try to think of how to say something more poetically, using the trunk of metaphors shoved into the closet that is my head...but that's just because I want to be a better writer.
But when I'm dumping...you know not eating just writing, there is no editor, there is no 'posh language inserted here moment' because my fingers move faster than I can think of the words (must have something to do with that mind/body split thing)

Blogging has replaced my use of food to soothe...instead of turning to the fridge, I open my laptop and spew my feelings out my fingers
I will say that...so maybe it is my replacement addiction
I did, for a while, get caught up in who, when, from where...yada yada and all the stats that can make a blogger feel important

But I do feel important
I'm helping MYSELF
turns out in the process, I may be helping someone else too
I know I get a lot of 'healing' reading other blogs
and can I just tell you...JOAN and ED and all their other cohorts HATE it!
So keep reading, keep writing, keep talking
Live out Loud
Let your thoughts out
I am
and I will keep doing so


mariposai said...

Thank you for the mention :-) Actually as soon as I saw your title on my blog list I was instantly drawn in, because I too feel as though in some ways blogging has replaced some of my less healthy addictions, and it's also given me a space to empty my head every now and then.

I like what you do in your blog, you force Joan out into the open so that you can confront her, and it's really good to see YOU getting yourself heard. :-)

Sarah x

Lou Lou said...

hope you got my new link, i sent it to your email.
i am so going to keep living out loud through blogging! i want to get a counter for me too. it sounds like quite a good thing to have!
well done its been going for some time now huh.
i just wrote a post and would love to see your top 100, so read my post #54 to see what i mean
the fact you have named joan is such a great tool it seems.
i love this idea.
keep writing!!!!!!
keep live love and laughing

Babsness said...

got it Lou Lou and I'm reading :)
I'll have to work on my top 100! thanks for the inspiration :)