
Trusting that Babs knows what's good for herself

Of the gajillions of diets/food plans/programs I've tried in the past...one was actually 'successful' in that I managed to lose weight and keep it off, I even became a meeting leader for the company.
Those successes started to fade not necessarily because the program itself was 'bad,' it just wasn't complete in that it didn't get to the crux of my emotional motivators for eating.

So...now that I'm getting the emotional support through therapy, group and my blog, I'm 'following' the guidelines again on my own. I'm not going to meetings or anything like that because I'm happy with the current support network sessions I have going, but I am logging my food on line keeping within the parameters the system sets up. Well, sortof.

See, if you remember I'm not weighing anymore. I haven't weighed since January 25, 2010. In fact, I've created a new blog page JUST to list new ways I have of measuring my success. (pssst, today I'm wearing pants I haven't worn in a year!!)

So, there's the rub
This plan assigns food credits based on weight
the more you weigh, the more credits you get
as you lose weight, you decrease your food credits.

But I'm not weighing myself
I will not
The scale is NOT and has never been my friend...even during aforementioned "success."

Now, let's helicopter back to 2005 when I was 'at goal' and leading meetings
Even then I argued that I felt best, and noticed the greatest success at a certain credit level
When I went lower, I felt undernourished and struggled to make sure I got in my dairy/fats/meats/etc
When I went higher, I gained weight.
But I never trusted myself to just set my food credit level and have a devil may care attitude about what credits I was supposed to stick to.

Now if you remember, I started counting because of the damn doctor scale.
At the time, I started at my favorite credit level.
I'm having success...check out the page!
I know I've 'lost' according to the scale that I'm not stepping on
but I don't know how much
so I can't adjust my credits

JOAN wants to adjust the credits
You have to change your credits, it won't work if you don't decrease your credits. Do you think the professionals are stupid? They obviously know what they're doing they've created the program and it's a worldwide success. You really just need to give up this pettiness and step on the scale and do this right.

I thought about just making up a number ...something that represented how much I think I have lost, just to change my credits...but somewhere I knew that would be me caving into what JOAN wants...and my original intention was to trust my theory.

It's my theory
It might be wrong but I won't know unless I try it
There's been NOTHING that has led me to believe that it is wrong thus far (hello pants!)
so I need to trust myself
I'm trusting myself
I'm sticking with my current level of credits
I'm feeding myself well
I'm seeing successes
and JOAN can go stuff it :P


mariposai said...

I like your new layout - and I'm loving hearing you tell Joan to stuff it more, and trusting in yourself more. It's really good to witness ;)

Sarah x

Babsness said...

Thanks Sarah
...it's scary but feels good to say!


Lou Lou said...

yaaaaaaay babs
joan is in lower case?
explain if i have that wrong though!
sending all my support!
i havent weighed in 2 months now, i like your flow, i might carry it on, i mean... i dont really need to know my weight.
so there we go!!!!

Jennifer said...

I can imagine how tough it was for you to not lower your points because that is one of the milestones in the program... you are such a strong woman!

Babsness said...

@Lou Lou...good on ya! Yeah, why do we need to know our weight anyway? This is an exercise in learning how to feel again so ptth to the scale!
I'm not sure what you mean about the joan in lower case if I typed it that way, maybe my fingers know something my head doesn't yet...which wouldn't be a bad thing :-)

@Jennifer...you know, I hadn't thought about it that way and it actually kinda makes me angry to that a program that is supposed to make us feel good about ourselves hangs 'rewards' on lower numbers. But then again...they never claim to be geared toward CED'ers even though that's what usually walks through the door

can I just say...I love you guys! Thanks so much for your support!!
