
Focused or Distracted? Either way it's all good

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I haven't written in a while
Thought maybe I was distracted
but perhaps I've been focused...there is so very much to catch up on but like the white rabbit, I'm late for a very important date...
okay I'm not late but I do feel a sense of urgency probably just because I'm just excitafrickinervous

I did go audition on Tuesday night and today I have a call back audition...I'll write more about that later.

Late Monday night early Tuesday morning the creeping crud decided it wanted OUT of my stomach so I've been battling some sort of stomach thing this week. Last night I finally ate something and digested it.

Some crazy things have been happening at work.
Some intense moments have happened in the house

But I've managed to stay okay for the most part.
Focusing (perhaps over focusing) on this audition has kept my attention so the other stressors didn't have a chance to effect me.

Oh yes...and most importantly, the counter got a face lift
I like it better now :)


Lou Lou said...

babs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hope you get the part yoiu wanted, awesome good one you babes!
im glad your happy with the face lifted counter, nice work!

mariposai said...

Wow congrats on the audition! That's fabulous news and can't wait to hear more :-) Sometimes real life has to get in the way of blogging...

Sarah x

Lou Lou said...

hey babs, could you read my recent post please, id love to hear what you think about it, fingers crossed for the audition, your incredible