
Happy Birthday and all that other stuff

I must stay away from cake frosting

It really doesn't matter much that Betty Crocker is offering new gluten free cake mixes and most of their frostings were already gluten free...

just looking at the cake frosting selections at the grocery store gave me a sugar woosie and images of me eating frosting by the spoonful and hiding it in the back of the fridge

I didn't buy it
I really don't even want it
but after yesterday morning's incident on auto pilot
i'm afraid there'd be a day when mini me wouldn't listen
wouldn't have a reason to be scared of getting caught
and would lick the frosting off the spoon and even pair it with some peanut butter
then do it again because the mix wasn't quite right
it has to be just the right amount of peanut butter and vanilla icing on the spoon and just the right proportion of each has to hit the roof of my mouth simultaneously otherwise i must do it all over again
until it's right
but then it's gone
or gone enough that its obvious
then what?
it was easy when the only one i was hiding from was my 2 year old

but i don't have to hide this time
because i didn't buy it
that "auto pilot" feeling is scary
it's totally being "taken over" like I'm out of my body but still in it because I know it's me doing it

But i didn't do it
I just kept walking and said "No"
little one said how about a candy bar from the check out
but I didn't do that either

I'm not doing it
you can't hide with food
you'll need to talk to me sooner or later
We'll get through this together
I'm not buying you fries at work
I'm not stopping anywhere on the way home
I'm not even eating dry Rice Chex while watching TV because I wasn't hungry, and omg really? plain rice chex

We're gonna get through this
We'll learn new ways
We'll do it together
I'm here
and I'm listening
and no matter what you say
I still love you
I love that you're brave enough to trust me
I love that you talk to me
You can trust me
I won't judge you
I won't blame you
I won't hate you
I know new ways, I know different ways
I can teach you
my kids think I'm a good teacher so I can help you too
I'm fun and understanding
I listen when people talk so you can talk to me
I don't believe I can change anyone's feelings, but I can listen while you feel them
I can help you come up with new ways to work through them
and even if we eat again
we'll learn from it together
and we'll keep going

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