
the things dreams are made of

I heard my mother in my dream last night
if you've ever heard my mother's voice, you know there is no mistaking it
it was clear as a bell, she was calling my name and would not stop until I gave her my attention
I don't know whether I did or not
I do remember waking up unnerved at 2:33am

This morning when I awoke for good (hub got up to leave for work at 7)
i cleaned off the kitchen counter
rid the weigh station of recycleables
opened the fridge
and pulled out the lone piece of cookie cake left from the GS party on Monday
took a bite
walked into the living room for something
saw my hub walking back to the house
swallowed fast
threw the rest in the garbage
took a large swig of water and wiped my face
he left again
an part of me actually contemplated retrieving the other half of the cookie!

I stopped myself as I walked into the mud room and said
"No, you're not doing that"

OMG Really?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm transcribing my chicken scratch notes from my recent reading and here's the first thing on my notes:

"the only way to recognize change is to stop cold turkey, surrender and ask what’s next"

looks like you did just that :)

ps: don't forget my larabar