
no wonder i'm so tired

I believe I've caused my own pain and fatigue.
My body has been in a struggle with itself for so long
My vessel finally decided to just sit down and wait it out
My body got tired of listening to my selves disagree and argue with one another
sabotage one another, ignore one another
My body is tired of struggling with itself
My body is achy from fighting with itself
My body is tired
so it's just gonna sit and wait for the tug of war to stop

you know...if you want something to disappear, you have to pay attention to it
i want my inner critic to disappear
i wish it would just shut up
i wish i could just smother that voice
and i've tried...under food

what i've learned is that i need to pay attention to that little voice
she's not trying to be a critic
she's trying to tell me something
when she acts out, there's a reason
and not just any old reason...but a positive, good, self-caring reason

so i've been spending time trying to shut her up
and she's been spending time trying to get me to listen
my GOD no wonder i'm so TIRED

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