
How can they know what's in your mind if you don't tell em...

A few weeks ago I sent my hub an email
I explained to him that on my birthday (and Mother's day and days like that)
I need to hear "Happy ___ Day"
even if we celebrated the day before
even if he already gave me my present
the "day" matters

If you've been reading my blogs for any period of time (yes I know some of you livejournal lurkers are still there) you know I have some rather unpleasant feelings surrounding my first Mother's day
and somewhere inside I'm forever trying to erase that

well...that few weeks ago, when I was brave enough to type and then send the hub email
I erased it
I explained how I felt
and how I couldn't explain why
but it was a feeling

This morning...I woke up to "happy birthday :)"
The kids made me breakfast
#1son made scrambled eggs...his specialty
Bm made my juice...she had asked the other day what my fave kind of juice was, and I didn't even pick up on it and the good son toasted a slice of gluten free bread
Hub made the coffee and they all made me home made cards

They were gonna take me out for lunch
Bm even gave up a trip to fun spot so they could meet me
(that one didn't work out coz of my work schedule)

Then we did hibachi for dinner
it was great to enjoy a dinner with the fam that ALL of us could eat
AND our chef was fun

Irony in that they planned a "food centered" birthday
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

but it was okay
They gave me MY food
and loved me MY way
all day on MY day :)

1 comment:

Babsness said...

There's an important addition to this post...

There was always the possibility that nothing would have changed. That my hub would've read my email and not responded in the way that he did.

I still would feel empowered
because I was brave enough to state what I felt and what I needed.
I can't control what someone does with what i put out into the universe
I can only trust, and put it out
I never would have done that before
it's much "safer" to just keep it inside
but nothing can happen if it stays locked up inside
I'm glad I let it out