
I nourished myself today

I juiced
I emptied and then filled the dishwasher
I smushed the pulp from the juicer through my fingers and into the compost bucket
I purchased a "real" sized salad with none of the creamy froofie extras and enjoyed the taste of my veggies
I bought soup, with enough extra to have as a mid afternoon snacke
I had a banana when I got home in order to avoid munching mindlessly while trying out a new dinner idea
We had cauliflower tossed in egg and parmesean lighly fried in olive oil (in place of french fries)
and a made up variation of our old crab/tuna cake that doesn't have any gluten AND used pulp from the juicer in them too...
I"m mindful that there's enough food in my tummy
and was also mindful that i didn't really want a piece of chcolate my mouth just thought it did and I told my mouth no
I am so very pre-menstrual right now that I'm not dwelling on how i feel in my clothes but the view I got of my arms yesterday...dang who put knees where my elbows used to be? (if you have knees like mine, you KNOW what I mean)
Now it's time to wii.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

How is the eating as a family thing going?