
From the Road

Im soothing again
My bones dont know what to do with this newest revelation
Theyre doing what they know how to do
I love you, bones.
We'll figure it out

1 comment:

Babsness said...

Posted this from in my car from my phone as i finished my cheeseburger big bites (sans the bun coz if Atkins says it's okay it MUST be diet food) ewwwwwwwuagh!

Yes I was texting while driving, no I'm not proud of it, yes I was at a complete stop at a traffic light, no that doesn't make it alright and I won't do it again.

I'm finding healing
I've broken through a new layer
it's a 'good thing'
I don't know how to do good yet
I'm gonna go have a real cry now
because that's better than a fake burger