
Neutral Information

I stepped on the scale last week.
I am a scale junkie
I can step on it 10 times in a row
go pee
step on it again
change my clothes
step on it again
move it to a different part of the room
and step on it again
so I decided to stop stepping on it

But last week, I stepped on it
It takes a bit of effort to actually step on my scale
It has to be dug out from under the armoire and plugged in UNDER my desk so obviously I was on a mission...I just wanted to seeeeeee.
Funny thing is, once I got on it, I couldn't remember what I weighed the last time I stepped on a scale.
For a few minutes I wanted my weight to be less... but less than what?
I thought I would feel bad about stepping on the scale, and I did for a minute or two.
I thought I'd become a scale junkie again...
But honestly, I packed it up and put it back where it lives and didn't think twice about it...other than to 'fess up that I weighed and we're uncovering my need to 'fess up in counseling, turns out there is something to that too.

But for now, reflecting on the scale
it wasn't good information
it wasn't bad information
it was neutral information
which is what a scale is SUPPOSED to be


mariposai said...

This really struck a chord with me, especially the last part. A scale gives neutral information. So very true.

Sarah x

Lou Lou said...

i did the same thing. i think i am going to stay off the scales again as it is not a neutral emotion which comes to the surface even though it is supposed to be neutral information. the information always seems like "bad news" and I almost always deal with it in a disordered way. it is fuel for the eating disorders engine when i stand on those scales, it gets a microphone and yells! so i have so steer clear, but i cannot wait untill the day when it is neutral information, and i have neutral emotions about it all. well done for being able to just get on it, and not end up back in the same habits as doing it all the time, you have come so far, and joan has stayed behind in the dust in many ways. she may catch up every now and again when you stop for a while, but you have the power!
you are AWESOME