
can't sleep I'll eat with the clown

I wasn't necessarily going for a nonsensical title...but I'm tired and it's Thursday and my body would rather stay here in my chair than get in the car and head to my OA meeting.

The last 2 meetings have been on holidays when we've been out of town, or just getting back into town so I haven't been since the first one.

I don't want to go
I'm sure it's JOAN
Hub told me to go
I'm gonna go
but I'd really just rather sit here

photo credit
see...even JOAN Has weird food issues!


Jennifer said...

So you went. How was it?

Babsness said...

It was weird again
I'm not sure this particular meeting is a good fit for me (see recent post)
I talked with my counselor about it and she's given me some additional homework.
I'm gonna check out an al-anon meeting this week...and maybe check out a different OA meeting, to see if it fits better :)
But I'm still going to something...because JOAN hates it when I go...and the more I can ostracize JOAN, the better!